0845 numbers


0845 numbers are used by companies of all sizes to increase sales and display a more corporate image while encouraging customer loyalty.

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0845 numbers are often used in a soft sales or support situation, where callers are not so cost-sensitive and the owner wishes to have fixed costs.

You may also receive a payout for your 0845 calls. Payout rate varies from 0.25ppm to 0.75ppm depending on call volume.

How much will an 0845 number cost my callers?

BT landline rates are 4p, 2p and 1p per minute Day, Night and Weekend (inc. VAT). Calls will cost more from mobile networks.

How much will an 0845 number cost me?

You will pay a small monthly rental fee for each 0845 number (typically £5 per month + VAT on the basic price plan), plus a one-off setup fee if you are buying a 'Gold' memorable number. Then depending on your divert destinations, you may pay a small per-minute charge to receive inbound calls.

Routing calls to your dmSwitchboard12

As we are sending the call from your number to the dmSwitchboard12 over the internet, there is no per-minute charge to route calls to your dmSwitchboard12.

Routing calls from your dmSwitchboard12 to a phone

Routing calls from your dmSwitchboard12 to a SIP VoIP phone or the built-in WebPhone is FREE.

Routing calls from your dmSwitchboard12 to your mobile phone or land line uses our outbound calling service. Click here to view outbound calling tariffs.

Buy 0845 numbers now

Choose your 0845 numbers from the number chooser on the right, or browse for memorable 'Gold' numbers.