
What happens next

You will be asked to register by giving us some basic contact details, or to login to your existing account.

Once registered you can proceed to our payments page, where you can pay by card or PayPal, or we have many other secondary payment methods.

Why do I have to register?

We ask you to register so we have your basic contact details, and can create your clubhouse - a dedicated webpage portal where you can see your account balance and control your switchboard and phone numbers.

Registration ensures security of ownership: it's your switchboard, no one elses.

When will my switchboard be available?

Your switchboard will be available immediately on completion of payment.

When will my switchboard be ready to use commercially?

When you have created your first switchboard control plan. You have two main options:

  • DIY: do it yourself with the help of our online instructions and video tutorials. This shouldn't take more than half an hour. If it takes much longer we can help.
  • ProTime: every switchboard includes complimentary ProTime setup assistance. After you have paid, you can book a session, and let our ProTime consultant help you get your switchboard working.

Money back guarantee

In addition to any statutory rights, if you're not entirely satisfied with your switchboard and have used less than £5 credit, contact us within 14 days and we'll give you your money back.

Terms & conditions

By purchasing you agree to our terms and conditions.

Want more?

Buy more numbers here or keep your existing number by porting it to us
Get dmSwitchboard12 here
If you haven't added it to your order already.