Outbound calling, with dmCalls12

dmCalls12 IconTo make outbound calls from your switchboard you need a dmCalls12 account. It's included in the Starter Pack, but if you're assembling your order from individual products consider adding dmCalls12.

Got your outbound calling? Go to the full catalogue or go to the checkout

Q: What does dmCalls12 do?

It allows you to make outbound calls from your switchboard. Make calls using our Web Phone, with SIP VoIP phones, or from a PSTN dialup access number (DAN). However you make calls your Caller ID goes with you.

Q: How much does it cost to enable outbound calling?

A: Enabling outbound calling for your dmSwitchboard12 is free. The £5 + VAT that you see in the purchase box to the right is for your first £5 of calling credit.

Q: How does calling credit work?

A: You pay for your dmSwitchboard12 outbound calls in advance, by adding calling credit to your account.

Q: Are there any other costs?

A: You are charged for making calls, like any other calling service.

dmCalls12 outbound calling charges:
GEO UK 1.25ppm, 2/3 world 1.85ppm, MOB UK & 2/3 world 8ppm

How we calculate our call costs

  • There is no connection charge
  • There is a minimum call charge of 3p (lower than most of the big players).
  • But there is no charge to call UK freephone numbers, or if the call does not connect.
  • At the end of the call we calculate the cost using the call length in seconds and the pence per minute rate
    (unlike some services we don't round call times up to the minute).
  • If there is a part of a penny, we round up to the next penny (e.g. 60 seconds call to Vodaphone UK costs 8p, 61 seconds costs 9p)
dmCalls12 cost summary
Setup Free
Initial credit £5.00
dmCalls12 Rates Geo Mobile
UK 1.25 8.00 *1
2/3rds of world 1.85 *2 8.00 *3
UK Freephone 0.00

Prices in pence per minute.
See full tariff list (link below) for details and exceptions.
*1 – The big 5 mobile operators.
*2 – Excludes some dependencies and rural areas
*2 - Includes Mobile where they are similar to Geo
*3 – Many exceptions, but we've tried to achieve this wherever possible.

Calls to UK

  • Land lines cost 1.25ppm
  • The "big five"mobile cost 8ppm (Orange, Vodafone, O2, T-Mobile and 3 Mobile) . See the full tariff list (PDF) for details of charges to other mobile carriers.

Calls to 2/3rds of the world

(45 countries, or 2/3rds of the world's population)

  • Land lines for 1.85ppm. This includes mobile phones that are on the same tariff as land lines.*
  • Mobile for 8.00ppm. Where we can, this is not as widespread as we would like, but it is our policy to get these rates for mobile use
  • Including: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea (south), Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, USA and Venezuela.

Calls to remaining 1/3rd of the world

For the costs of calls to the remaining 1/3rd of the world please see the full tariff list (PDF).

* Excludes mobile phones, premium rate numbers, non-geographic numbers, some rural areas and some dependencies
We only exclude these when it is not economically viable to include them.
All costs exclude UK VAT
Some telecoms prices are subject to rapid change. We always try to keep prices down, but you are advised to check pricing for your destination.